This event has passed.
Sat. 01/19/19 – Day Event: North Texas March for Life
January 19, 2019
NOTE: Below is the original message. Since its publication, the MD buses have been filled to capacity.
Join us in your Class A’s at Mater Dei for the Mass at 9:30 Saturday
the 19th for the March for Life. Peter and I (Max will be in DC for
the national event) will attend the Mater Dei Mass at 9:30 (as opposed
to the Mass to be held at the Cathedral immediately prior to the
March) then ride the bus sponsored by Mater Dei both to and from the
March for Life Downtown Dallas. Charles, if you are coming to this
event, can you bring the TSG 1 banner from the trailer, and if you are
not coming, let me know so that I can get the flag from you earlier.
There is no cost for this event, but do let me know if you plan to attend.
If you want to ride the bus sponsored by Mater Dei, promptly sign up
via the Mater Dei electronic signup log. There is no cost to ride the
bus (an offering will be taken up to help defray the cost). They have
3 buses reserved, but they will drop one of the reservations unless
they get sufficient ridership to make it worthwhile. Not having to
find a parking space downtown is definitely worthwhile in and of
Schedule for Saturday, January 19 March for Life
9:30 Last Mass at Mater Dei before the march. Feel
free to bring and eat a sack lunch before the
buses depart. The parish hall will be open for
this. (No food or drink on the bus.)
11:45 Buses depart from Mater Dei
12:30 March starts at the Cathedral and ends at the
Earl Cabell Federal Courthouse.
4:00 Buses re-load at the Cathedral and return to
Mater Dei