Sat. 07/29/17 to Sun. 07/30/17: Overnight Canoeing Trip
July 29, 2017 @ 8:30 am - July 30, 2017 @ 4:00 pm
| $15
A few of important points first:
- The trailer will not be there. This is a “minimalist” camp where each family is responsible for all of their supplies and sustenance. Please read carefully the event schedule, especially the “gear” section below.
- leadership TBD.
- It is an option to camp at Rochelle’s Friday evening, but you would be on your own. They have a very nice campground with swing rope onto the river, fishing spots, etc…. $10 per car. Again, not sponsored, but I will be glad to let everyone know who will be spending the night so you can meet up. Contact Rochelle’s directly for reservations:
- Weather and water levels look good, but stay on top of communications as things could change. The dam is releasing water daily and I was told the river was fine, with a lot of people canoeing. The levels will be checked one last time the day before.
- There will be no Mass. It can be considered travel, and the obligation is not rigid in those cases.
Here is a description of things to expect:
Journey – From Rochelle’s downstream to pick up point is 10 mile. Probably about 7-8 hours total canoe time. Approximately halfway (maybe a little more) should be some sand bars sufficient for camping. Departure is 8:30 am Saturday morning. We don’t want to sweat it last last time, so this will basically be the same trek, but over 2 days, with plenty of free time to enjoy the water, swim, fish, rest alongside a bank, etc…
You will be provided with a sat phone and a Epi-Pen. Bring your own first-aid kit.
- Potential Schedule:
- Saturday
- meet at 0830 at the Rochelle’s let-in location, just down from their office
- 0900 let in
- 12 pm – gather on water in canoes for Angelus if not at campsite/continue to campsite
- 12:30-1 pm lunch and set up camp
- 1-5 fish for dinner, swim, enjoy
- 3pm Divine Mercy Chaplet
- 6-8pm Dinner on own
- 8-9pm s’mores if you brought them and successfully make a fire
- 9pm rosary
- 10pm lights out
- Sunday
- 7am rise
- 7:15 am Morning Prayers
- 7:30-8:30 Breakfast on own, pack up camps
- 8:30-10:30am explore, fish, enjoy
- 10:30am Canoe departure
- 12:00 stop for angelus and lunch
- 1pm continue to pick up point/back to Rochelle’s
- Pick-up between 1499 and 1600. You can call for an earlier pick-up, but you would be responsible for the extra $20 pick-up fee.
- Saturday
Recommended supplies:
- Water/Food
- Water 1 gallon/person/day or combination bring/purify. No special equipment for purification except empty gallon jug (you already drank one), a pot and a flame to boil. Bringing powdered Gatorade is great if hot out and for flavoring purified water.
- Food:
- hope to catch dinner for Saturday night
- packaged dishes that require hot water like ramen, Knorr pastas or rice, oatmeal, foil packaged meats, MRE’s or prepakaged meals from Cabelas, BassPro, REI or walmart. Nutritional bars/nuts for snacks, oil, seasonings
- Gear:
- Waterproof bag for your gear – Awesome Large Dry Bag on Amazon at great price
- SUNSCREEN, bug repellent
- Shelter (luxury: 2-3 man tent or primitive: tarp) large could be problematic – camping on sand bars
- Ground cloth/tarp
- ultra-light sleeping bag or blanket (will be hot)
- Cordage 25-50ft
- mess kit (eating and cooking)
- Fire starting materials (lighter,matches)
- Camp Stove (small, propane) I have a couple
- Flashlight (backup batteries)
- Toiletries (w/biodegradable soaps) every store with gear has camp soap
- Knife and rosary – DUH!
- Hat
- Saw (several will have these)
- trash bags
- extra clothes – GONNA GET WET!
- If you bring cooler be sure it locks and tied-in case canoe capsizes
- Fishing gear / pole or primitive
- The troop will bring and Epi-Pen and a basic 1st aid kit
- THINK BAGS TO KEEP STUFF DRY, ZIPLOCK BAGS, A WAY TO ATTACH EVERYTHING TO YOUR CANOE, AND DRINKING WATER! Given the amount of stuff you will have to take with you, 2 per canoe should probably be the max. We will spread people out to make it work.
Check out Rochelle’s checklist:
- Canoe Rental Overnight = $50.00/canoe + $20.00 (covered by troop) – refundable deposit/canoe
- Camping Friday Night = $10/car for those who want to camp either Fri. or Sun.
Satellite Phone rental $80 + calls @ $1.75/min (troop will have one but feel free to rent your own)