This event has passed.
Fri. 10/28/16 to SATURDAY (ONLY) 10/29/16: CAMP: Shooting & Archery with TSG31
October 28, 2016 @ 4:00 pm - October 29, 2016 @ 2:00 pm
| $5Atypical schedule and location due to Halloween week-end. The event was changed after the officers voted on it. Longer drive (slightly over 2 hrs from the center of Irving) but deemed worth it. Consider taking that Friday afternoon off if able.
- Official start at 1600, but feel free to arrive early, the host will be there
- TSG31 does their ceremonies Fri evenings, and we will join them for ours, where we will awards some shields and stars, so arrive in Class A
- We will have dinner Fri
Like it often is for addresses in the country, different maps show different spots. Click on the link below for exact description:
- day. TSG31 will handle that. TSG1 will handle breakfast and lunch Sat. Dinner at 1830. If you do not plan on arriving before 1900, please bring your own.
- TSG31 does skits during the Fri cracker barrel. If you have a QUALITY skit, bring it to me or 1st Lt. Koch for approval. Nothing last minute improv. or sillyness, please.
- There will be Mass Sat. morning at camp (will not satisfy Sun. obligation) – wake up and jump into your Class A
- For those who want to stay later than 1400 on Sat., we will be shooting clay pigeons with shotguns, and there are ponds that we can fish. Remember it ceases to be a TSG-sponsored event after 1400
- Bring any firearm you wish, including bows and arrows (if we have time to shoot those) but no BB guns. Children could feel too free with those, and this way, any weapon we see in anyone’s hand will be considered lethal. It helps keep areas sterile.
- There will be a station for handguns, and another for rifles, including AR15 and similar (for seniors only!)
- Be on the lookout for a safety briefing from TSG31, but the most obvious warning is that all and any weapon should remain locked in your vehicle until it is time to shoot them, unless you carry (with the utmost caution) on your person.
- If you bring a weapon (highly suggested), please bring enough ammo for each cadet to get at least 2 or 3 shots in (another reason why we kept the cost at $5). We can likely expect 50 cadets.
- For semi or fully auto rifles (seniors), cadets will be given a chance to shoot them 2 or 3 times, depending on how much ammo you are willing to donate. If they want to have a little more fun, they will be able to purchase YOUR ammo for $8 for a clip of 20. Bring plenty of extra if you have.
- We will have SOME extra, but try to bring your own ear and eye protection, and spotting scope if you have one.
- Since it will only go from Fri. through Sat. afternoon, the cost will be $5 per camper. Some TSG31 member elect to camp through Sunday. This is an option, but it will cease being a TSG1-sponsored event at 2 pm Saturday. Please let me know if you plan on doing that, so I can give Capt. O’Flaherty and our host a heads-up. There is a Catholic church which offers an 1100 Mass on Sundays, located 18′ away:
St Theresa’s Catholic Church, 209 West Oak Street, Olney, TX 76374
Register as soon as you can so we can give our hosts plenty of heads-up on our numbers. Remember to tell me if you plan on staying Sat. night as well.
To see picks of the property, click on the links below: