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Sat. 12/15/18 Advent Retreat Morning with TSG33
December 15, 2018 @ 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Troop 33 led by Captain Koch formerly of our troop has invited anyone
of our troop to join them for an Advent Retreat on Saturday, December
15 at Saint Phillips Catholic church in Lewisville. If you wish to
join them, please let Captain Koch know as soon as possible ([email protected]) so that he can have the right amount of breakfast and supplies on hand. I have
another commitment that morning, so Peter, Max, and I will be unable
to attend on Dec 15.
The cost will be minimal (probably between $3 and $5) and will be used
to defray the cost of the breakfast and to offer the priest/clergy a
bit of a stipend for offering the morning of reflection. There will be a donation box for this.
Also, I heard yesterday from our own Fr. McDonnell and our own
“Epiphanytide” day of recollection will be held on Feb 16 (Saturday)
from 9:30-2:30. Fr. McDonnell will send and I will forward more
details on our own day of reflection as soon as I receive them.
Where: St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church (Lewisville)
Date: December 15th
Time: 7:30am-12noon
Agenda: Continental Breakfast, Prayer, Speaker ( 2 talks), Examine,
Adoration, Confession, Mass
After: Dutch group lunch for those who want to go out of campus